====== Combat Tracker ====== **Download:** {{ ::demon_idol_combat_tracker_0.1.0.pdf | Demon Idol Combat Tracker v0.1.0 }} ===== Instructions ===== The sheet assumes the use of our [[Combat Procedure]], but would work with any initiative system that uses segments. * One row per round. One column per segment. * The two circles at the left of each row can be used for anything. I use the first circle to write the round number. The second circle, I usually don't use, but you can put a mark it it if there's something special you need to remember about the round. * After initiative is rolled, "line up the dominoes" for the round by marking the segments. * Mark the upper left corner of the segments corresponding to initiative. If the players roll 3 and the DM rolls 5, I make the upper left corner of the segment 3 column a blank (white) box, and the upper left corner of the segment 5 column a penciled-in (black) box. Then I can easily see what the initiative rolls were. * Mark the segments where melee attacks happen (if there are any combatants with attack routines on different segments, like //haste//d combatants or fighter classes 7th level or higher. I put a "G" on these segments, since melee is "G" in the DMG initiative rules, but you can use "M" for melee or anything you want. * Mark the segments ranged fire happens. Remember that some characters may have ranged fire prior to their initiative roll, due to [[https://demonidol.com/combat#reaction_and_initiative_bonuses|reaction modifier]]. I put a "D" on these segments, since ranged fire is "D" in the DMG initiative rules, but you can us "R" for ranged or anything you want. * Mark the segments spells resolve. (e.g. if initiative is 3 and a //magic missile// is being cast (1 segment), segment 4 should be marked "MM" or similar to show that it will resolve on that segment. * Mark any other segments of import, such as when potions take effect or magic devices are discharged. I'll upload some pictures of how I use the sheet eventually.