====== Dogs ====== Across the PHB and MM, there are two separate listings of dogs.((Sled dogs are listed in the WSG, but no cost or combat stats are provided.)) * PHB 123 lists guard dogs for 25 gp and hunting dogs for 17 gp, but no stats. * MM 29 lists stats for war dogs and wild dogs, but no prices. Use the following table: ^ Dog ^ Cost ^ Combat Stats ^ | Wild | Not typically sold | Wild | | Hunting | 17 gp | Wild | | War | 25 gp | War | | Guard | 25 gp | War | ===== Important Mechanics ===== * Dogs can be brought into dungeons.((DSG 60.)) * Dogs do not have a chance to flee as horses and pack animals do.((This makes them more resilient than war horses in this manner, which have a 10% chance to flee as per MM 53.)) * When an encounter is triggered, dogs have a 50% chance to immediately attack any encountered entity which is not a party member. If the dog is restrained at the time, it will instead bark loudly, negating all chance for the dog's party to surprise in that encounter.((DSG 60. It is obvious that dogs bark, but no percentage chance is provided until the DSG.)) ===== Guard vs war ===== Guard dogs use the stat block for war dogs, but only respond to commands related to protection and guarding. They won’t be trained to charge headfirst into battle or dismount knights.