====== Domains ====== ===== Clearing ===== THESE ARE DRAFT RULES! UNTESTED ==== Phase 1 ==== Per 20" hex - 10% for random monster. (DMG 93c2p2) Per day - 5% for monster to enter core 7 hex if no patrol. ==== Phase 2 ==== Per 1 mile hex, as above for 20" hex Use [[Hex Movement]] rules, but it's five times slower because you're searching, so you're moving 1 mile hexes instead of 5 mile hexes. Per day - 5% for monster into border hex Per week - 5% for monster into non-border hex ==== Will the monster leave by itself? ==== Encounters with a lair indicated mean that the monster will NOT leave by itself. Otherwise, roll below: ^ Mod ^ Condition ^ | +2 | Skulls, etc. placed. | | +2 | Strong, aggressive patrols. | | +2 | Organized community (e.g. settlement). | ^ d6 ^ Result ^ | 1-6 | No. Lair is here or otherwise. | | 7+ | Yes. |