====== Downtime Assassination ====== :!: This system is brand new and not sufficiently playtested. It will likely be tweaked a lot over the coming months. Please send [[feedback]]. This system is a [[rules extensions|rules extension]] for handling abstract, downtime [[assassination|assassinations]].Ex ===== Requirements ===== * The character must be an assassin who has either... * ... earned XP from adventure in the last game month of at least ''level * 200''. So a 3rd level assassin must have earned at least 600 XP from adventure in the last game month in order to use this system. This XP does not all need to be awarded to the assassin class. ((This helps encourage that the majority of XP gained by the character is from adventuring.)) * ... been a player's only PC for a full session during the last two game weeks. * [[Henchmen]] are prohibited from this system. ===== Procedure ===== - DM [[#contract_determination|determines contracts available]] in the settlement for that month, if not already determined. - Player chooses a contract. - DM rolls for [[#time_to_complete|time to complete]]. - Player rolls for the attempt. - On [[#success|success]], XP, GP, and possible [[#bonus_loot|bonus loot]] is awarded. On [[#failure|failure]], consequences are checked. - Player can continue taking contracts as long as desired. Note that re-attempting the same target takes a -15% cumulative penalty for each attempt by the same assassin. ===== Contract determination ===== An assassin can check for available contracts by visiting the assassin's guild in a town or city (or a representative in a smaller [[settlement]], if available). The DM rolls d6 for every 1000 population of the settlement, rounded up to the nearest thousand.((If the population is under 500, there is only a 1-in-10 chance of a contract, if the assassin's guild even has a presence in such a settlement.)) Every 1 on a die indicates an available contract for that game month. For each available contract, the DM determines levels of the targets. For each target, roll 2d6-2 to determine the level. If boxcars are rolled (two sixes), they are re-rolled. If boxcars are rolled again, it will be a Special Contract (see below). Otherwise, the level is as shown on the second roll. The DM should note down these available contracts. If another assassin desires contracts from the same settlement during the same game month, the same list may be used (minus assassinated targets). For future months, the DM can simply re-roll the contracts, with the exception that there is a 50% chance for a special contract to persist into the next month, rather than being re-rolled. ==== Special contracts ==== Special contracts will be for targets of particular renown, widely-loved targets, highly defended targets, and/or targets 10th level or higher. For these cases, the player must provide a written plan for the assassination, and therefore in these cases the DM must take some time to pen a general outline of the contract and scenario. The DM will then judge the quality of the player's plan and assign any modifiers to the assassination roll as they deem appropriate. ==== Time to complete ==== If an assassin chooses to take on a contract, the DM privately rolls a d6, plus another d6 for each level of the target. Every 4-6 shown on the die indicates one day that is taken to complete the mission (minimum 1 day). This includes reconnaissance, plotting, and other preparations. The player will not know how long it will take up front, but they can abandon the contract at any time. ===== Success ===== The assassin earns assassination XP, XP for the gold reward, and combat XP, as per the game rules. No combat XP is awarded for HP or special abilities, as neither of these things affect this system; only base combat XP is awarded. Remember that classed characters count as Level+1 on the XP chart (e.g. a 3rd level character is worth the XP of a HD 3+1 creature). All contracts completed using this abstract system are considered "simple" difficulty, unless they are special contracts. Special contracts are assigned a difficulty by the DM. ==== Bonus loot ==== There is a % chance equal to twice the level of the target to gain extra loot from the contract: ^ d10 ^ Loot ^ | 1-7 | d100 GP per target level. | | 8-9 | d10: [1-6] 1d4 gems. [7-10] 1 jewelry. | | 10 | Random map or magic item. | XP is awarded for extra loot, too. XP should be penalized if the target is a lower level than the assassin, as per the DMG's "Experience" rules on DMG 84. The extra loot will never be known by the assassin until the contract is successfully completed. ===== Failure ===== A contract can be re-attempted by the same assassin at a cumulative -15% penalty for each failure by that assassin. Time to complete is rolled for each attempt. Failure can have consequences. 2d6 is rolled. Add +2 if the failure was by more then 20%. All saving throws except vs poison are modified by the character's defensive mod from DEX, and by any magic items worn, including armor. All saving throws except vs poison are at a -2 penalty if not wearing armor. ^ Roll ^ Consequence ^ | 2 | Embarrassing incident. Pride hurt. -10% to assassination attempts for 1 week. | | 3 | Save vs w/s/r or lose 50% of max HP. If dead, then as 14. | | 4 | Identified by a bystander. d100 GP bribe required, plus d100 GP per target level, or run out of the settlement for d12 months. | | 5 | Contracts available reduced by d100% for 1 month. | | 6 | Pass a Hide In Shadows roll to escape without consequence. On failure, reroll on this table (including any +2). | | 7 | Daring escape! No consequence. | | 8 | Identified by the watch. 2d100 GP bribe required, plus d100 GP per target level, or run out of the settlement for 3d4 months. | | 9 | Save vs pet. or captured by watch. Hard labor. 4d4 weeks, plus d4 weeks per level of target. Every week, can try 5% chance per assassin level to escape and become a fugitive. Another character can pay for the assassin's release; the cost is 100 gp per remaining week in the sentence. | | 10 | Save vs insinuative poison as per DMG 20. Type is based on level of target: [0-3] A. [4-7] B. [8-11] C. [12+] D. If dead, then as 14. The "chance to notice" for the type has no effect in this system, but do apply any poison save modifier for the type. | | 11 | Identified by the target. DM rolls private, flat, unmodified reaction check to determine if revenge will be sought (negative indicates it will be). | | 12 | Save vs pet. or beaten to unconsciousness, at 25% HP, and stripped of all valuables on person. | | 13 | Save vs pet. or stripped of all valuables on person and face scarred with acid as punishment. -2 CHA and -25% to disguise. If already had this done, then go to save vs. death, as 14. | | 14 | Save vs. death or be killed. If killed, body is stripped of all valuables. Body is d6: [1-2] Found by an ally. [3-4] Taken by an enemy. [5-6] Destroyed, no //raise dead// possible. | ===== Reasoning for extension ===== Assassins will want to take on contracts from the assassin's guild between sessions, but these missions can take considerable time to resolve during downtime if played out in regular gameplay. Even requiring a written plan from players takes considerable DM effort since the circumstances of each contract must be determined in sufficient detail to allow the player to write a plan. This might be desirable for some tables, but others may prefer to have an abstract system that doesn't require significant DM effort for the assassin players. The AD&D rules provide a simple system for abstracting the success or failure of a mission into a single roll, but there are no mechanics for determining consequences. We are trialing this system which adds a little spice to the process. The goal is for the DM to be able to handle these missions without significant work during downtime. The nature of the assassin's guild can vary greatly between campaigns. A DM is encouraged to adopt this system as they see fit.