====== Level Limit ====== Demon Idol does not use the extended [[unearthed arcana|UA]] level limits. However, it makes the races and classes available through [[character token|character tokens]]. Characters created with these tokens enjoy the UA level limits, but not the ability to play clerics.((Originally, we played with extrapolating level limits. Meaning, we looked at the level limits in the PHB and cross refererenced them with the UA limits in order to come up with level limits for UA races that were in line with PHB limits. However, this produced some complications and oddities with the way the UA limits compare to the PHB limits, so in the interest of Occam's razor and BTB play, we just swapped to allowing full UA level limits for character token characters. View this page's edit history to see the old system.)) :!: This system is not heavily playtested yet. We are trying to determine the best way to handle this. We will update this page once we see how this choice goes. * Characters created regularly are subject to the PHB level limits. * Characters created with a race or class allowed by a [[Character Token]] use the UA level limits for that race or class.