====== Magic Item Fabrication ====== :!: This page is a WIP, as we are currently migrating our rules on this topic from our old campaign doc and choosing which things should go here vs on our [[https://geb.aikuro.net/|campaign-specific site]]. ===== Material components ===== Material components gathered from a monster are sufficient for the creation of a single magic item, regardless of the monster's size. For example, one green dragon kill equals one //potion of green dragon control//. ===== Protection scrolls ===== DMG 117 lists the division for DMG scrolls, but UA does not provide a list for the scrolls it adds. Here is one that divides the protection scrolls between the two classes according to which class has the closest spell in their list: * **Clerical:** Cold ((Because of //resist cold//.)), devils, fire ((Because of //resist cold// being reversable.)), paralyzation((Because of //remove paralysis//.)), poison((Because of //slow poison// and //neutralize poison//.)), possession, traps ((Because of //detect traps//.)), undead * **Magic-user:** Demons, elementals, illusions((Because of //detect illusion//.)), lycanthropes, magic, magic weapons((Because of //anti-magic shell//.)), petrification * **Magic-user or druid:** Plants((Several spells pertain to this.)) * TODO: acid, breath dragon, breath non-dragon, electricity, gas, water, non-magic weapons