====== Net ====== Nets are weapons. They are often used by water-based races, and are often set with weights, hooks, and/or barbs. Nets are two-handed, but also function as a buckler if the wielder is proficient with nets and can normally use bucklers. * [[encumbrance|ENC]]: 75 [[cn]] * Space required: 10' * RoF: 1/2 * Range: 1"/2"/3" WvAC: ^ 0 ^ 1 ^ 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 ^ 5 ^ 6 ^ 7 ^ 8 ^ 9 ^ 10 ^ | +9 | +8 | +7 | +6 | +5 | +4 | +3 | +2 | +1 | 0 | -1 | ===== Effect ===== * If the attack hits, the target is **netted**. The target must roll a save vs paralysis;((In written works, a DEX save is often used. However this requires DM fiat if used against the many monsters who lack DEX scores. Therefore, breath is more practical.)) if they fail, they are also **trapped**. * **Netted** creatures lose any DEX bonus to AC (or take a -1 penalty if they have no DEX bonus), are at 50% [[MV]], and cannot [[charging|charge]]. * **Trapped** creatures are unable able to move, cast spells, or use weapons (except dagger-length or shorter to cut themselves out, as below). * Both effects last for 1-4 rounds.((They are rolled and count down simultaneously -- a netted and trapped creature is in those states for 1-4 rounds (roll a single d4 to cover both effects), and the grand total duration of these effects will be 1-4 rounds. Do NOT roll and count them separately (e.g. do not roll d4 + d4 with a total effect of 2-8 rounds).)) * The victim can take an [[combat procedure|E action]] to do one of: * Use a bladed weapon of dagger length or shorter to reduce the duration by 1 round. * Make an open doors roll, with success reducing the duration by 1 round. * Make a BB/LG roll, with success completely freeing the character. This can only be attempted once per netting. Characters attempting to use an underwater net suffer a -4 to hit unless they've both (1) taken the net as a [[weapon proficiency]], and (2) trained in its use while underwater.((DMG 56.)) Above-water nets suffer the regular untrained penalty for lacking the weapon proficiency. ===== Rules Note ===== There is no single ruleset for refereeing nets; there are several options provided by various monster entries and modules. Demon Idol uses the WG4 rules and [[https://www.dragonsfoot.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=82794|this Dragonsfoot thread]] as inspiration, and adapts them to suit general-purpose net weapons.