====== Polearm ====== ===== Random determination ===== Sometimes it is necessary to determine a random polearm, such as in the case of encountering orcs. The following table can be used: ^ d12 + d2 [[control die]] ^ Polearm ^ | 1 | Awl pike | | 2 | Bardiche | | 3 | Bec de corbin | | 4 | Bill-guisarme | | 5 | Fauchard | | 6 | Fauchard-fork | | 7 | Fork, military | | 8 | Glaive | | 9 | Glaive-guisarme | | 10 | Guisarme | | 11 | Guisarme-voulge | | 12 | Halberd | | 13 | Hammer, lucern | | 14 | Hook fauchard | | 15 | Lance ((Type depends on mount (light, medium, or heavy). If mounted on a monster: [HD %%<=%% 2] Light, [HD 2-3] Medium, [HD > 3] Heavy (based on MM 53, "Horse"). Should be re-rolled by the DM if the owner lacks a mount.)) | | 16 | Nagimaki/naginata ((Nagimaki if owner is mounted, naginata otherwise. May be re-rolled by the DM as desired if the locale is distant from the oriental portion of the campaign realm.)) | | 17 | Partisian | | 18 | Ranseur | | 19 | Spear | | 20 | [[Spetum]] | | 21 | Trident | | 22 | Voulge | | 23-24 | Reroll |