====== Rules Extensions ====== Demon Idol contains several rules extensions. These are always marked with an Ex. This mark indicates that the rule is not a part of an official publication. Instead, it's a rule that extends the game in fashion we feel is in [[what is BTB|the spirit of the rules]]. If you find that a rules extension doesn't work for your campaign, you can throw it out. We also hope you let us know by emailing Poems at [[mailto:eapoems@riseup.net|eapoems@riseup.net]]. Feedback is deeply appreciated, and we hope to get a lot of it. Any rules extensions which have not been sufficiently playtested will be marked as such. ===== Major extensions ===== Most rules extensions are found on the page regarding the rules they extend. There are some rules extensions which are entirely new systems, though. The following is a list of such rules: * [[Lair Hunting]]: Search 5-mile hexes for monster lairs. * [[Class Quest]]: Reduce training costs by completing objectives. * [[Character Token]]: Sprinkle races and classes from UA and other sources into the campaign as quest rewards. * [[Retiring]]: Free up slots in your [[character stable]]. * [[Wills]]: Record which character gets your stuff. * [[Final Words]]: Save vs death to speak for 1 minute before dying. * [[Downtime Assassination]]: Quickly handle abstract assassination missions during downtime. * [[Downtime Thievery]]: A chance for thieves to pick pockets during downtime. * [[Hex Movement]]: A 5-mile-hex based movement system extrapolated from the DMG and OD&D.