====== Wilderness Procedure ====== :!: This page is very in-progress and will be given some love soon. - DM checks the weather. - Party declares the day's activity. (Rest, hunting/foraging, travel direction, forced march, etc.) - Spell preparation time is calculated and recorded.((15 minutes per spell level, e.g. a 4th level spell takes 1 hour to prepare.)) - DM checks if party gets lost.((Impossible if the party is following an accurate map, following a landmark like a river, or on a paladin’s [[mount quest]].)) - Movement and mapping, including random encounter checks and fixed encounters (if anything in the hex has been discovered). - End of day. (Supplies consumed. Starvation, fatigue, and exposure considered. Watch established. Players declare any characters [[sleep|sleeping in armor]]. Nighttime encounter checks.)