What is BTB?

“BTB” or “By The Book” means different things to different people. In its simplest sense, it's playing a game “RAW”, or “Rules As Written”, where players follow the rules rather than changing or ignoring them.

In the modern D&D world, it's safe to say that BTB players appear to be the minority. The popular mantra is “rulings before rules”. Rules are treated as being unimportant or constraining. DM fiat is applied heavily. Hands are waived. As a result, gameplay will feel less meaningful to some players, who will lack rules they can rely on to judge scenarios and make game decisions. It is “storygaming”, and stands opposed to classic, gamist, challenge-based adventure gaming.

If you're here, chances are you know something about this schism. If not, welcome to adventure gaming!

So, what does “BTB” mean for Demon Idol? It means using the game rules as the foundation of the campaign.

Simply put, when we say “BTB”, we mean “rules first, rulings second, and only in the spirit of the game”.