Demon Idol

A gamist Advanced Dungeons & Dragons interpretation.

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magic [2023-10-21 03:01] – [Invisibility] Direct reader to the new, dedicated page poemsmagic [2024-12-22 15:53] (current) – external edit
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 Spells and magic items from UA are in play. Spells and magic items from UA are in play.
 +===== Material components =====
 +See [[Material Component]].
 ===== Spell selection ===== ===== Spell selection =====
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 Spells containing a person's name in the spell title (e.g. //Tenser's floating disc//) cannot be chosen at any time -- they must be found "in the world", through adventure.((Based on the rules on DMG 39.)) Spells containing a person's name in the spell title (e.g. //Tenser's floating disc//) cannot be chosen at any time -- they must be found "in the world", through adventure.((Based on the rules on DMG 39.))
-When creating a new character, magic-users and illusionists should only roll on and/or select from the spells in the PHB. On level-up, spells from UA can be selected.((The UA spells are often situational. It's best to provide a standard repertoire for 1st level.)) 
 ===== Wishes ===== ===== Wishes =====
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 ===== Spell stacking ===== ===== Spell stacking =====
-While most spells do stack, spells of the same [[spell lines|line]] do not. Only the best benefits from each spell are used. The classic example is //bless//, //chant//, and //prayer//. +While most spells do stack, spells of the same [[spell lines|line]] do not. Only the best benefits from each spell are used. The classic example is //bless//, //chant//, and //prayer//, however there is an exception on DMG 42 where a //chant// can stack with //prayer// if the casters are clerics of the same deity.
 ===== Touch attacks ===== ===== Touch attacks =====
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 See [[Invisibility]]. See [[Invisibility]].
-===== Disbelieving illusions =====+===== Illusion =====
-Saves to disbelieve [[illusions]] benefit from any wisdom-based mental save modifier.+See [[Illusion]].
 ===== Scroll fading ===== ===== Scroll fading =====
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 ===== Intelligent swords ===== ===== Intelligent swords =====
-A reaction roll can be used to determine the sword’s initial disposition to its possessorIt may be helpful and inform its owner of its powers. It is able to use its powers on its own if it feels like it. +See [[Intelligent Swords]].
 ===== Recharging magic items ===== ===== Recharging magic items =====
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 ===== Libraries for spell research ===== ===== Libraries for spell research =====
-A library must be created for spell research.((DMG 115.)) TODO+[[library]] must be created for spell research.((DMG 115.)) 
 +===== Magic UA plate armor ===== 
 +The new types of plate armor made available in UA (bronze, field, full) are only available as magic items.<sup>Ex</sup>((DM Note: This is a great way to make these special items available without unduly power creeping the campaign. As another benefit, damage absorption won't need to be tracked for a ton of combatants. Remember that if you make this special armor available to purchase, then Men and NPCs will have it too, and you will need to track their damage reduction.)) 
 +===== Unnatural aging ===== 
 +See [[Unnatural Aging]].
magic.1697857311.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 (external edit)