Demon Idol

A gamist Advanced Dungeons & Dragons interpretation.

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-====== Why Demon Idol ======+====== Why Demon Idol======
-DRAFT+The goal of Demon Idol is to catalog AD&D rules and rulings for easy reference, interpreting them in a **gamist** fashion.
-Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D) is legendary. Alongside OD&D (Original D&D), it reigns eternal as the ultimate adventure game of swords & sorcery founded on challenge-based gameplay, player skill, and a healthy dose of luck. By the time AD&D 2e ("2nd Edition") was published, D&D had transformed into something else entirely. The pulp fantasy and swords & sorcery had gone, and the game became more focused on narratives, plots, and "renaissance faire" heroic fantasy. Though it's had its moments since, Dungeons & Dragons was never the same again.+===== What is "gamism"? =====
-Around 2021 and early 2022, I became aware of [[|The Blue Bard]], Anthony Huso's website on By The Book (BTB) AD&Da practice where the rules of AD&D are followed closely with few deviationsThe reason this is special is because AD&D is famous for having its rules ignored. People throw away all kinds of rules that they view as "stupidor "meaningless" or "annoying-- rules that bring color and magic to an intricatedeep game system. The common parlance is that AD&D is impossible to understand, that it's a broken game, or that no one actually plays by the rules.+Gamism is a style of adventure gaming focused on game mechanics that minimize DM fiat, provide meaningful decisions, and create an emergent story. In gamism, the world develops as a consequence of the game, rather than the game being a tool to "tell a story"This is in contrast to "rulings before rules" style where the DM throws away rules or fudges/skips die rolls to create a result that "makes senseto them. It is also in contrast to "storygaming", where the game system comes second to the story that the DM wants to tell (i.e. "railroading").
-I had strong feeling that the common parlance was wrongbut I had never before read someone write about D&D in a way that resonated so strongly with me until I found The Blue Bard. At the time, I had just returned to RPGs after a long hiatus, and I hadn't run AD&D proper before, only OSRICAnthony Huso's passionate writing about this game enthralled me and spurred me to action -- I had to run by-the-book AD&Dand I had to run it for the long haul.+In gamism, **rulings are for when the rules are silent.** Gamists also favor rules interpretations which create clearunderstandable system that the players can rely on without needing to wonder how the DM will rulePut simplyit tries to run the game like a game!
-So in 2022 I wrapped up my other campaigns, I gathered group, and started running an open table 2-3 times a weekMany players who started back then are still playing, and many joined and left and returned besides. Our private chat server has about 35 people who talk about the gamemany of whom are active players in one of my tables or one of the tables run by another DM in our group.+There is lot of non-gamist and storygaming advice online about running RPGsBut there are many people who prefer gamismso we made this site for them.
-Anthony's campaign, our campaign, and the campaigns of numerous others who run AD&D "by the book" is proof that AD&D works, and boy is it good.+===== DIY D&D ===== 
 +[[History|When we started]] our campaign, we knew that we wanted to play [[What is BTB|BTB]]. For us, that means respecting the game by following the game rules closely in order to gain practical understanding of those rules and provide a framework players can rely on. We've played quite a lot now and we've changed very little -- we've found that AD&works pretty well as written. 
 +However, D&D is a "DIYgame -- it's meant to be a living game which grows with your group's campaign and evolves over time into something that is special to your individual campaign. This includes the way that you interpret the AD&rules and the rulings you make, but it also includes ways that you extend the rules to best suit your table. This works best when you first understand the system you're building onwhich is why trying to play BTB is a noble pursuit. 
 +When you go to play AD&D BTB, you'll find that you need to look up a lot of things. Some of them are "gotchas" like [[equipment|"why do the books say two separate things about how much magic armor weighs?"]], but most of them are situations where rules create interactions that aren't covered by the books. A lot of questions will be raised even if you've read the books cover-to-cover. To find the answers, neophyte AD&Ders must turn to old magazines like //Polyhedron// and //Dragon//, and read posts on forums like Dragonsfoot and Knights & Knaves Alehouse. As we went through that process, we wrote down everything we learned. Demon Idol is the result. 
 +As your campaign evolves, you may have the same questions we did. When that happens, you can use Demon Idol as one reference for making the rulings that best suit your campaign. Over time, you'll end up with your own set of rulings that make your campaign unique. That's DIY D&D.
why_demon_idol.1702022525.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 (external edit)