
A spell available to druids and magic-users. Note that the intent of the spell is to make a playable character.1)


The precise mechanics of reincarnation in the milieu are left up to the DM.

The following system is recommended:Ex

Monster reincarnations

See Monster Character for info on ability scores, level caps, and the like. Monster characters created via reincarnation will always either speak the common tongue or have telepathy, at the DM's option.

1) , 4)
DMG 44.
Make sure to see Monster Character for info about rolling ability scores for such cases.
Shaman and witch doctor may be possibilities; see DMG 40.
For example, an elf reincarnated as a human would still not be eligible for raise dead. In contrast, a human reincarnated as an elf would be eligible. This is because a reincarnated creature has the same soul/spirit. This works out quite nicely for characters reincarnated as animals too, for otherwise it would be their final run!
PHB 12, “Although a character’s constitution can be restored to its former score, or even raised above this number, by magical means, this in no way alters the initial score limitation, nor does such magical change in constitution restore to the character additional chances for revivification.”