Table of Contents


1:1 time

Time advances 1:1 when no play is happening – 1 game day for each real-life day.1)2)

Time paradoxes

Since during the course of a campaign varying groups of PCs may appear and take part in the shared world, considerations must be made to avoid temporal paradoxes and anomalies.

Downtime activity

If a player declares downtime activity for their character, that activity will begin on the in-game day their character is presently “on”. This applies whether the activity is declared during a session or in between sessions.

Fractional days

In the case of multiple days passing quickly during a session, and in the case of 1:1 time passage, fractions of days are rounded up by the DM, just as fractions of turns are rounded up during dungeon exploration.5) It is better to simply round up and call it a day (literally) in these cases largely because it helps advance the game calendar.

Bedrest, training, and healing from rest

See bedrest, training, and rest.

This rule and some examples of how it plays out can be found in the all-important TIME section on DMG 37.
The continued passage of time is critical for many of AD&D’s systems. We cannot have six months passing in real life while 3 weeks pass in the campaign world. It’s far more preferable for game time to pass considerably faster than real life. It enables big projects like castles and keeps, and also allows characters to participate in larger-scale events and changes in the world.
The main purpose of the 1:1 time rule is to keep the clock moving forward and make time management more critical. The DM will keep this purpose in mind when judging any cases where 1:1 time may be “paused” for some characters.
DMG 37: “You will know when the adventuring of one such group has gone far enough ahead in game time to call a halt.”
DMG 38 for rule on fractional turns.