The following are considered “safe wishes,” meaning they can be expected to take their intended meaning without twisting (exception: efreeti and other evil entities will often attempt to twist even these):Ex1)
Ability score increase.
Bringing a character back from the dead without the need for remains, even if a resurrection check failed or they’ve been raised the maximum number of times based on their original CON (see
Ability Scores).
Full HP restoration for the entire party.
Removal of disease or curse from the entire party.
Full party escape from a difficult situation.
Increasing rolled HP for a previous level. Amount raised will be equal to the low average of the hit die, up to the maximum hit die value for that level. For example, if a 2 was rolled for a fighter’s level, the new roll would be 7 (2 + 5). If a second wish was used on that same roll, it would go to 10 (7 + 5, limited by the maximum value of the hit die, so 10, not 12).
Perfect identification of all abilities of a magic item without handling it (does not work on relics or artifacts).
Restore all of a character’s lost levels from energy drain.
Reduce opponent hit probabilities (-4) or damage capability (50%) for the encounter.
Increase or decrease duration of an effect (can as much as double effect or eliminate it entirely, wisher’s option).
Automatic 100 + bonuses on a reaction roll.
Gain a clue to a treasure or location of any desired magic item.
Revert an alignment change caused by magic.
Regain a lost psionic mode or discipline.
Comprehend a spell the character previously failed to know. (The spell must still be acquired normally, but the to-know roll is considered to have passed.)