Demon Idol

A gamist Advanced Dungeons & Dragons interpretation.

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 These steps should be done in order, [[what is BTB|by the book]], with the exception of sex-based ability score caps [[rules changes|which we ignore]] (use the highest cap). If the book says you roll for something, you roll for it. You cannot choose anything the book says you roll for, including age, height, and weight. This list is provided here for convenience. These steps should be done in order, [[what is BTB|by the book]], with the exception of sex-based ability score caps [[rules changes|which we ignore]] (use the highest cap). If the book says you roll for something, you roll for it. You cannot choose anything the book says you roll for, including age, height, and weight. This list is provided here for convenience.
-  - **Determine [[ability scores]].** (PHB 9) You can choose the method of your choice for each character (DMG 11). You can choose different methods for different characters. [[rules changes|We do not use]] sex-based ability score caps (always use highest between the sexes). +  - **Determine [[ability scores]].** (PHB 9) You can choose the method of your choice for each character (DMG 11). You can choose different methods for different characters. [[rules changes|We do not use]] sex-based ability score caps (always use highest between the sexes). If your table uses the Foundry VTT, you can check out our [[Foundry macros]] for this step
-  - **Choose a [[races|race]].** (PHB 13) Your character’s ability scores inform what races are available to you (PHB 15) before racial modifiers (PHB 14). Don’t forget to write down racial abilities.+  - **Choose a [[races|race]].** (PHB 13) Your character’s ability scores inform what races are available to you (PHB 15). Racial modifiers must be applied first, and then minimums and maximums considered second (PHB 14).((PHB 15, "The minimum scores must 
 +have been generated in the initial abilities rolls, or if bonuses are given for the race, 
 +then the minimums must be met considering such bonuses.")) Don’t forget to write down racial abilities.
     - Having an 18 in strength from step 1 and then choosing half-orc (+1 strength) means your character begins with 18/99 strength (the half-orc fighter maximum) if you choose the fighter class or a subclass thereof.     - Having an 18 in strength from step 1 and then choosing half-orc (+1 strength) means your character begins with 18/99 strength (the half-orc fighter maximum) if you choose the fighter class or a subclass thereof.
   - **Determine [[psionics|psionic ability]].** (PHB 110) Humans, dwarves, and halflings only. Disciplines are determined as they are acquired, so only one can be rolled for at first level.   - **Determine [[psionics|psionic ability]].** (PHB 110) Humans, dwarves, and halflings only. Disciplines are determined as they are acquired, so only one can be rolled for at first level.
-  - **Choose [[classes|class]].** (PHB 19) Your character’s ability scores and race inform what classes are available to you (PHB 13). Don’t forget to write down class abilities and saving throws. Saving throws are in the DMG.+  - **Choose [[classes]].** (PHB 19) Your character’s ability scores and race inform what classes are available to you (PHB 13). Below this list is a table of ability score minima to assist you in this step. Only non-humans can [[multiclass]].((Humans can [[dual-class]] later, but this isn't part of character creation.)) Once you've picked, don’t forget to write down class abilities.
   - **Choose an [[alignment]].** (PHB 33) Your class informs what alignments are available to you (PHB 13). Alignment is a serious choice which can affect who your character can adventure with, what magic items are available to them, and untold other interactions while adventuring. The DM will warn you if your character is headed for an alignment change, which can carry heavy penalties.   - **Choose an [[alignment]].** (PHB 33) Your class informs what alignments are available to you (PHB 13). Alignment is a serious choice which can affect who your character can adventure with, what magic items are available to them, and untold other interactions while adventuring. The DM will warn you if your character is headed for an alignment change, which can carry heavy penalties.
-  - **Determine age and apply ability score changes.** (DMG 12-13) Note that ability score changes are cumulative.+  - **Determine age and apply ability score changes.** (DMG 12-13) Note the following: (1) Ability score changes are cumulative. (2) Aging cannot cause scores to be bypass racial mins/maxes, nor do they cause scores to go below class minimums.((DMG 13.)) (3) The only time a score can be raised above 18 via aging is WIS, and only in humans.((DMG 13.)) (For more detail, see: [[Aging]])
   - **Write down your saves.** (DMG 79) Don’t forget any racial or class modifiers.   - **Write down your saves.** (DMG 79) Don’t forget any racial or class modifiers.
   - **Determine birthday.** This is campaign-dependent. Ask your DM about this.   - **Determine birthday.** This is campaign-dependent. Ask your DM about this.
   - **Determine height and weight.** (DMG 102) To obtain ranges such as “1-4½”, use a d8. A range of “1-3½” would require a d6.   - **Determine height and weight.** (DMG 102) To obtain ranges such as “1-4½”, use a d8. A range of “1-3½” would require a d6.
   - **Determine [[secondary skills]].** (DMG p. 12) These are hobbyist-level skills. Your character is not as skilled as a professional and cannot turn a profit from these skills.   - **Determine [[secondary skills]].** (DMG p. 12) These are hobbyist-level skills. Your character is not as skilled as a professional and cannot turn a profit from these skills.
-  - **Determine HP.** (PHB 19) Note that you add your CON-based HP adjustment to each hit die. Therefore, rangers and monks get it twice at first level. Multi-class characters roll hit dice and add HP adjustment for each class individually, dividing each result by the number of classes (2 or 3), and tracking fractional HP on the character sheet. Fractional HP have no effect until they total a full HP.+  - **Determine HP.** (PHB 19) Always track your HP rolls for each level throughout the duration of your character's life. You must record the result of every hit die roll on your character sheet, since it's needed for [[level drain]] and [[wishes]]. Note that you add your CON-based HP adjustment to each hit die. Therefore, rangers and monks get it twice at first level. Multi-class characters roll hit dice and add HP adjustment for each class individually, dividing each result (including the CON bonus) by the number of classes (2 or 3), and tracking fractional HP on the character sheet. Fractional HP have no effect until they total a full HP.
   - **Determine starting languages.** Note that you do not get your additional languages from intelligence at character creation time. You must learn them through play.((TODO: List page # for language learning))   - **Determine starting languages.** Note that you do not get your additional languages from intelligence at character creation time. You must learn them through play.((TODO: List page # for language learning))
   - **Determine starting gold.** (PHB 35) Multi-class characters get a starting gold roll for each of their classes and total the results.   - **Determine starting gold.** (PHB 35) Multi-class characters get a starting gold roll for each of their classes and total the results.
-  - **Choose weapon proficiencies.** (PHB 37) Your class informs what options are available to you (PHB 19).+  - **Choose weapon proficiencies.** (PHB 37) Your class informs what options are available to you (PHB 19). [[Multi-class]] characters see the [[weapon proficiency]] rules to determine their weapon proficiencies.
   - **Check if you’re keen-eared.** (DMG 60) Roll your chance to hear noise based on your race. On success, you are keen-eared. Roll a d2 to determine if you get a +1 or +2 to hearing noise. This applies to the thief ability, too (+5% or +10%).   - **Check if you’re keen-eared.** (DMG 60) Roll your chance to hear noise based on your race. On success, you are keen-eared. Roll a d2 to determine if you get a +1 or +2 to hearing noise. This applies to the thief ability, too (+5% or +10%).
   - **Make religious choices.** This is campaign-dependent. Your DM will be able to tell you which classes require a patron diety, any restrictions, or anything else that may apply to your group's milieu.   - **Make religious choices.** This is campaign-dependent. Your DM will be able to tell you which classes require a patron diety, any restrictions, or anything else that may apply to your group's milieu.
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   - **Establish your character.** Choose a name, appearance, and a few sentence introduction to give other players.   - **Establish your character.** Choose a name, appearance, and a few sentence introduction to give other players.
 +==== Ability score minima by class ====
 +^ Class          ^ STR  ^ INT  ^ WIS  ^ DEX  ^ CON  ^ CHA  ^
 +| Cleric         | 6    | 6    | 9    | 3    | 6    | 6    |
 +| > Druid        | 6    | 6    | 12   | 3    | 6    | 15   |
 +| Fighter        | 9    | 3    | 6    | 6    | 7    | 6    |
 +| > Paladin      | 12   | 9    | 13   | 6    | 9    | 17   |
 +| > Ranger       | 13   | 13   | 14   | 6    | 14   | 6    |
 +| Magic-User     | 3    | 9    | 6    | 6    | 6    | 6    |
 +| > Illusionist  | 3    | 15   | 6    | 16   | 3    | 6    |
 +| Thief          | 6    | 6    | 3    | 9    | 6    | 6    |
 +| > Assassin     | 12   | 11   | 3    | 12   | 6    | 3    |
 +| Monk           | 15   | 6    | 15   | 15   | 11   | 6    |
 +| Bard           | 15   | 12   | 15   | 15   | 10   | 15   |
 +==== Ability score minima & maxima by race ====
 +^ Race          ^ STR  ^ INT  ^ WIS  ^ DEX  ^ CON  ^ CHA  ^
 +| Dwarf          | 8/18 | 3/18 | 3/18 | 3/17 | 12/19| 3/16 |
 +| Elf            | 3/18 | 8/18 | 3/18 | 7/19 | 6/18 | 8/18 |
 +| Gnome          | 6/18 | 7/18 | 3/18 | 3/18 | 8/18 | 3/18 |
 +| Half-Elf       | 3/18 | 4/18 | 3/18 | 6/18 | 6/18 | 3/18 |
 +| Halfling       | 6/17 | 6/18 | 3/17 | 8/18 | 10/19| 3/18 |
 +| Half-Orc       | 6/18 | 3/17 | 3/14 | 3/17 | 13/19| 3/12 |
 +| Half-Ogre      | 14/18| 3/12 | 3/12 | 3/12 | 14/18| 3/9  |
character_creation.1695439940.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 (external edit)