Demon Idol

A gamist Advanced Dungeons & Dragons interpretation.

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character_sheet [2024-11-30 18:18] – v1.4.0 release poemscharacter_sheet [2025-01-28 21:56] (current) – [New in v1.4.1] poems
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 ====== Character Sheet ====== ====== Character Sheet ======
-**View:** [[|Latest version (v1.4.0)]]+**View:** [[|Latest version (v1.4.1)]]
 ===== Instructions ===== ===== Instructions =====
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 Critical to fast play is an excellent character sheet. We've created and honed our own. If you'd like to use it in your game, the following strategy is recommended: Critical to fast play is an excellent character sheet. We've created and honed our own. If you'd like to use it in your game, the following strategy is recommended:
-  - Copy the sheet to your own Google account.+  - Copy the sheet to your own Google account (File -> Make a copy).
   - Make a copy of the sheet for each player. Store each copy in a Google Drive folder that you create for each player. Share each player's folder with the player so they can edit the sheet inside of the folder.   - Make a copy of the sheet for each player. Store each copy in a Google Drive folder that you create for each player. Share each player's folder with the player so they can edit the sheet inside of the folder.
   - Instruct players to keep the starting tab ("ORIGINAL") blank. Instruct them to right click and duplicate the tab every time they need a new sheet. That way, they always have a blank to make new characters with, and all their characters are found in one single file.   - Instruct players to keep the starting tab ("ORIGINAL") blank. Instruct them to right click and duplicate the tab every time they need a new sheet. That way, they always have a blank to make new characters with, and all their characters are found in one single file.
 +===== New in v1.4.1 =====
 +Fixed psionic chance range (It was rounding fractions up when you're supposed to be dropping them, and the range was wider than it should have been once you had a chance higher than 1%.). To update existing sheets, change cell AC5's value to ''=iferror(if(and(C5<16,C6<16,C9<16),0,(1+ROUNDDOWN(2.5*max(0,C5-16)+1.5*max(0,C6-16)+0.5*max(0,C9-16)))))'' and cell Z6:AC6's value to ''=if(AC5=0,"no chance",if(AC5=1,"00",101-AC5 & " - 100"))''.
 ===== New in v1.4.0 ===== ===== New in v1.4.0 =====
 ==== Added ==== ==== Added ====
- * Added and modified various tables within the new Tables sheet in order to facilitate other changes.+  * Added and modified various tables within the new Tables sheet in order to facilitate other changes.
   * Added weapons from UA which were previously missing from the weapons tables.   * Added weapons from UA which were previously missing from the weapons tables.
   * Expanded weapons vs AC tables to include AC types 1 and 0 from UA.   * Expanded weapons vs AC tables to include AC types 1 and 0 from UA.
-  * Added the Maul from the DM screen that floats around Dragonsfoot circles, but which we have recently realized was added by a Dragonsfoot member, rather than a part of the official screen. Nonetheless, it has been added.+  * Added the Maul from the DM screen that floats around Dragonsfoot circles. We just recently learned the maul is not part of the official AD&D DM screen, but was added by a Dragonsfoot member. Nonetheless, we have added it to our sheet.
   * Added dropdowns to select character classes in order to facilitate other changes that require Class name to be entered exactly as expected.   * Added dropdowns to select character classes in order to facilitate other changes that require Class name to be entered exactly as expected.
   * Added logic to automatically calculate Saving Throws in cells F30:F35 based on the classes, levels, and mods input by the user. Values default to that of a 0 level fighter when no other class and level combination are provided.   * Added logic to automatically calculate Saving Throws in cells F30:F35 based on the classes, levels, and mods input by the user. Values default to that of a 0 level fighter when no other class and level combination are provided.
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   * Added dropdowns for spell casting classes in the spells per level section in order to facilitate automation of number of spells per level.   * Added dropdowns for spell casting classes in the spells per level section in order to facilitate automation of number of spells per level.
   * Automated # of spells per level. This logic takes into account level of the class, additional spells from wisdom when applicable, as well as spell level limits due to character's INT or WIS stats as appropriate.   * Automated # of spells per level. This logic takes into account level of the class, additional spells from wisdom when applicable, as well as spell level limits due to character's INT or WIS stats as appropriate.
 +  * Mini moneychanger expansion.
 ==== Changed ==== ==== Changed ====
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   * Armor MV Restriction no longer breaks movement calculation if ''"'' is typed in the cell (cell AA46:AB46).   * Armor MV Restriction no longer breaks movement calculation if ''"'' is typed in the cell (cell AA46:AB46).
- +    * To fix this on your existing sheet without migrating to the new sheet, change the formula in cell ''D122:F122'' to ''=IF(ISNUMBER(AA46), AA46, VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(AA46, """", "")))''.
 ===== Known bugs ===== ===== Known bugs =====
character_sheet.1732990706.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 (external edit)