This is an old revision of the document!
View: Latest version (v1.3.3) v1.4.0 coming later today! (Nov 30th)
Critical to fast play is an excellent character sheet. We've created and honed our own. If you'd like to use it in your game, the following strategy is recommended:
* Added and modified various tables within the new Tables sheet in order to facilitate other changes.
is typed in the cell (cell AA46:AB46).Currently no known bugs. If you find any, please share them with us at If you fix them, please share that too!
Minor annoyance: Reference cells for WvAC are in the reversed order. This doesn't cause a bug in the sheet, but can throw someone off if they go to add a new weapon to the reference tables.
The current sheet is available on Google Docs. I typically prefer to keep my records in non-proprietary software, but the sheet was born in Google Docs as a collaborative effort, and it allows players to easily update it in a way that I can look at the sheet at any time. In the future, we may move to an alternate solution. That being said, I assume Google Docs is most convenient for other people in the community.
This sheet has been a collaborative effort within our group, but special credit must be given to Sax. Sax created virtually all of the formulas and hidden tables used on the sheet, undoubtedly the vast bulk of the contribution.
Additionally, nubby was the champion of the v1.4.0 version and the additions in that version are attributed to that valued player.
Erik (who journals our sessions!) created an alternative character sheet. It's based on the official one, but modified to suit his taste. This shows how you can take our sheet and make it your own if you'd like. The downside is that you'd have to manually adopt any improvements we make.
View: Erik's Sheet v1.0.0
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