Demon Idol

A gamist Advanced Dungeons & Dragons interpretation.

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Note that there is no official “constriction” mechanic. The rules on this page are extrapolated from the rules that do exist, in the spirit of the game.

Constricting monsters are handled on a case-by-case basis. Monsters do not all constrict the same. Some monsters, such as the giant squid, have mechanics for pinning specific limbs, whereas others like the constrictor snake do not.

Using limbs when constricted

In cases where no limb-pinning mechanics are listed for the monster, the constricted character must save vs paralysis for every limb the character wishes to employ. Success means the limb is free for the duration of the constriction, whereas failure means it is pinned for the duration of the constriction.

  • With a free weapon arm, the constricted character can make attacks against the constrictor using any weapon in hand 2’ long or shorter.
  • With a free shield arm, the constricted character can employ the shield against non-constrict attacks. This has the usual caveats, such as not being able to attack from behind. It is very likely the constricting monster will be able to attack from any angle it pleases.

Defending against constricting

Shields provide no benefit against constricting attacks.

The constricting monster automatically hits the constricted creature with its constrict attack every round.

Affect on the monster doing the constricting

Constricting is a special attack; it’s not grappling, and there is no resultant change to the constricting monster in combat ability, statistics, or AC.

Constricting monsters cannot use attacks such as bites against foes other than the constricted foe unless the monster entry specifically calls them out as being able to.

Attacks against the constricted creature

Depends on the nature of the monster and the circumstances. If the situation is chaotic for example, the DM might assign a percentage chance for an attacker to hit the constrictor instead of the constricted creature based on relative sizes. (See Targeting).

constriction.1694847466.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 (external edit)