Demon Idol

A gamist Advanced Dungeons & Dragons interpretation.

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While polymorphed or shape changed

Unless the ability explicitly states so, the creature does not change form upon death.1)

Whether a creature can be raised from the dead by raise dead or resurrection depends on its original form. For example, a human druid who died in giant bat form could be raised, but an elven or half-orc who died in human form could not.2) When the creature is raised, it will remain in the form it died in (including wounds and poison, as normal, unless the means used to raise state otherwise).

Nowhere in the rules does it say this happens.
Remember that elves and half-orcs can not be brought back by raise dead or resurrection, only a rod of resurrection, wish, or similar. See Death for more info.
death.1699425801.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 (external edit)