Demon Idol

A gamist Advanced Dungeons & Dragons interpretation.

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Expedition Roster

Download: Demon Idol Expedition Roster v0.1.0 (open in LibreOffice, OpenOffice, Excel, or Google Docs)


This sheet is invaluable for easily seeing info about the present characters so that exploration and combat can be handled efficiently.

  • #: The number to be used for random targeting of attacks and such. This number can be shared with the players so they can see their number come up when you roll randomly to see who gets peppered with arrows. ;)
  • NAME: Name of PC, henchman, companion, etc.
  • AC: Armor class.
  • ACT: Armor class type.
  • SH: Number of attacks the shield can block (0: none, 1: buckler, 2: med shield, 3: large shield).
  • MV: Movement in inches.
  • DO: Chance to open doors in 6 (e.g. for 2-in-6, write 2).
  • LI: Change to hear noise ini 20 (e.g for non-keen-eared gnome, write 4).
  • TH: Any modifiers to to-hit (e.g. due to active curses). This is often unused in my experience but can be useful for reminders.
  • DAM: Same as TH, but for damage rolls.
  • EFFECTS:: Examples of things I put here: “INV” (invisibile) “FLY” (flying), “SS” (stoneskin), “EH (45)” (endure heat, 45 turns), “POT” (potion).
  • NOTES: Examples of things I put here: “HIPPO” (mounted on hippogriff), “DEAD” (unlucky).
expedition_roster.1732685482.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 (external edit)