This is an old revision of the document!
These macros can be imported into the Foundry VTT.
For character creation.
Submitted by Dev.
{ "folder": "R3uzVVKNb8NnIaKa", "name": "Method I", "type": "chat", "author": "SZfm4jW1GauPqOAp", "img": "icons/svg/dice-target.svg", "scope": "global", "command": "Ability Scores. Assign as you please.\n[[4d6dl]], [[4d6dl]], [[4d6dl]]</br>\n[[4d6dl]], [[4d6dl]], [[4d6dl]]", "flags": { "exportSource": { "world": "idyllshire", "system": "ars", "coreVersion": "11.313", "systemVersion": "2023.11.01" } }, "_stats": { "systemId": "ars", "systemVersion": "2023.07.03", "coreVersion": "11.302", "createdTime": 1687468316462, "modifiedTime": 1690066450768, "lastModifiedBy": "SZfm4jW1GauPqOAp" } }
Submitted by Dev.
{ "folder": "R3uzVVKNb8NnIaKa", "name": "Method II", "type": "chat", "author": "SZfm4jW1GauPqOAp", "img": "icons/svg/dice-target.svg", "scope": "global", "command": "/r {3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6}kh6 # Note your highest six rolls and assign as you please.\n</br>", "flags": { "exportSource": { "world": "idyllshire", "system": "ars", "coreVersion": "11.313", "systemVersion": "2023.11.01" } }, "_stats": { "systemId": "ars", "systemVersion": "2023.07.03", "coreVersion": "11.302", "createdTime": 1687468459459, "modifiedTime": 1690066464382, "lastModifiedBy": "SZfm4jW1GauPqOAp" } }
Submitted by Dev.
{ "name": "Method III", "type": "chat", "scope": "global", "author": "SZfm4jW1GauPqOAp", "img": "icons/svg/dice-target.svg", "command": "Strength: [[{3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6}kh]]</br>\nIntelligence: [[{3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6}kh]]</br>\nWisdom: [[{3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6}kh]]</br>\nDexterity: [[{3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6}kh]]</br>\nConstitution: [[{3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6}kh]]</br>\nCharisma: [[{3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6}kh]]</br>", "folder": "R3uzVVKNb8NnIaKa", "flags": { "exportSource": { "world": "idyllshire", "system": "ars", "coreVersion": "11.313", "systemVersion": "2023.11.01" } }, "_stats": { "systemId": "ars", "systemVersion": "2023.07.03", "coreVersion": "11.302", "createdTime": 1687467250477, "modifiedTime": 1690066471908, "lastModifiedBy": "SZfm4jW1GauPqOAp" } }
Submitted by Dev.
{ "folder": "R3uzVVKNb8NnIaKa", "name": "Method IV", "type": "chat", "author": "SZfm4jW1GauPqOAp", "img": "icons/svg/dice-target.svg", "scope": "global", "command": "Peruse and select the desired array.\n-------------------------------------\n1st Array\nStr, Int, Wis\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]</br>\nDex, Con, Cha\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]\n-------------------------------------\n2nd Array\nStr, Int, Wis\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]</br>\nDex, Con, Cha\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]\n-------------------------------------\n3rd Array\nStr, Int, Wis\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]</br>\nDex, Con, Cha\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]\n-------------------------------------\n4th Array\nStr, Int, Wis\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]</br>\nDex, Con, Cha\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]\n-------------------------------------\n5th Array\nStr, Int, Wis\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]</br>\nDex, Con, Cha\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]\n-------------------------------------\n6th Array\nStr, Int, Wis\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]</br>\nDex, Con, Cha\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]\n-------------------------------------\n7th Array\nStr, Int, Wis\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]</br>\nDex, Con, Cha\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]\n-------------------------------------\n8th Array\nStr, Int, Wis\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]</br>\nDex, Con, Cha\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]\n-------------------------------------\n9th Array\nStr, Int, Wis\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]</br>\nDex, Con, Cha\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]\n-------------------------------------\n10th Array\nStr, Int, Wis\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]</br>\nDex, Con, Cha\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]\n-------------------------------------\n11th Array\nStr, Int, Wis\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]</br>\nDex, Con, Cha\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]\n-------------------------------------\n12th Array\nStr, Int, Wis\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]</br>\nDex, Con, Cha\n[[3d6]], [[3d6]], [[3d6]]\n-------------------------------------", "flags": { "exportSource": { "world": "idyllshire", "system": "ars", "coreVersion": "11.313", "systemVersion": "2023.11.01" } }, "_stats": { "systemId": "ars", "systemVersion": "2023.07.03", "coreVersion": "11.302", "createdTime": 1687469062457, "modifiedTime": 1690066567551, "lastModifiedBy": "SZfm4jW1GauPqOAp" } }
Submitted by Dev.
{ "folder": "R3uzVVKNb8NnIaKa", "name": "Age", "type": "chat", "author": "SZfm4jW1GauPqOAp", "img": "icons/svg/dice-target.svg", "scope": "global", "command": "Adjustments by Category\n- Young: W-1, C+1\n- Mature: S+1, C+1\n- Middle Aged: I+1, W+1\n- Old: S-2, D-2, C-1, I+1, W+2\n- Venerable: S-3, D-3, C-2, I+2, W+3\n\n*Multi-class PCs take the oldest possible result among their classes.\nDwarf: C [[2d20+250]], F [[5d4+40]], T [[3d6+75]] </br>\nElf: C [[10d10+500]], F [[5d6+130]], MU [[5d6+150]], T [[5d6+100]] </br>\nGnome: C [[3d12+300]], F [[5d4+60]], MU [[2d12+100]], T [[5d4+80]] </br>\nHalf-Elf: C [[2d4+40]], F [[3d4+22]], MU [[2d8+30]], T [[3d8+22]] </br>\nHalfling: F [[3d4+20]], T [[2d4+40]] </br>\nHalf-Orc: C [[1d4+20]], F [[1d4+13]], T [[2d4+20]] </br>\nHuman: CDT [[1d4+18]], F [[1d4+15]], P [[1d4+17]], R [[1d4+20]], MU [[2d8+24]], I [[1d6+30]], A [[1d4+20]], M [[1d4+21]]", "flags": { "exportSource": { "world": "idyllshire", "system": "ars", "coreVersion": "11.315", "systemVersion": "2024.05.03" } }, "_stats": { "systemId": "ars", "systemVersion": "2024.05.03", "coreVersion": "11.315", "createdTime": 1717776002765, "modifiedTime": 1717776637691, "lastModifiedBy": "SZfm4jW1GauPqOAp" } }
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