Demon Idol

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Holy Water

Holy water can be used as a grenade.

Use in the bless spell

One might wonder: “If bless is needed to create holy water, but holy water is needed to cast bless, how is there any holy water?” The answer is obvious: the gods can make holy water without needing to cast bless.

Effect on poison and disease

Dragon #81 has an article, “Taking the Sting out of Poisons”, which riffs on the DMG glossary entry that says holy water can slow the effects of poison.1) We do not use that article because it goes too far by making holy water act as slow poison. 25 gp for a spell in a bottle that costs 200 per caster level in town. This author's opinion is that the glossary text was either leftovers from a rule that was never refined or published, or the glossary entry meant to say that it slows disease (which it does, in the case of lycanthropy).

DMG 228.
holy_water.1705214563.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 (external edit)