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Critical text on invisibility is found at:
When under the effect of invisibility, if an action is taken that can possibly be interpreted by the DM as an attack, it counts as an attack for ending the spell. Examples include breaking open a barrel or throwing a rock. Note that the rules specifically say that opening doors does not break invisibility.
Invisibility caused by a magic device cannot be triggered again until one full round after invisibility is broken. Put another way, if someone attacks while under the effect of a ring of invisibility, their opponents will end up getting a combat round where the wearer is visible before the wearer can use the ring again.1) This does not apply to psionic invisibility.
Any time someone goes invisible in view of enemies, enemies can still target them, but with the regular -4 to hit.2) This does not apply to psionic invisibility.
If invisibility is broken in order to fire missiles at or otherwise attack a charging target, the creature which lost invisibility is a potential target of the charging creature.3)
A creature which has come out of invisibility can be attacked on that same round, assuming that an enemy's attack comes after the creature came out of invisibility.4)
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