Demon Idol

A gamist Advanced Dungeons & Dragons interpretation.

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A lasso is a weapon described on UA 77.

A hit snags the target (along with the other effects listed on UA 77). When snagged, the wielder of the lasso can take a E action to drag the victim, which moves them 1“ closer to the wielder.1)

To get un-snagged:

  • The victim must have INT 2 or higher.
  • The victim must take an E action if in combat.
  • The victim must must try to snap the line or have some means of severing the it.
    • If attempting to snap the line, a BB/LG check is made. This can only be attempted once, and on failure the victim is automatically dragged once as above, if the wielder desires.
    • If severing the line, the line is automatically hit, and damage is rolled. 2 points of cumulative damage sever it.

See UA 77 for additional rules and stipulations. Also see the harpoon and net.

Unlike the harpoon, the lasso does not do damage when dragging.
lasso.1707886503.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 (external edit)