Demon Idol

A gamist Advanced Dungeons & Dragons interpretation.

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Paralyzing attacks

Ghouls, carrion crawlers, and other creatures which paralyze but do not have an effect duration listed paralyze for 1d10+2 turns.1)

Constricting attacks

Gaze attacks

Use rules under Dracolisk MM2 entry to determine if gaze is met, unless otherwise stated. Ranged avoiding-gaze attacks always miss, only melee has a chance to hit while avoiding gaze.

Brain moles

Brain moles always mind thrust with 121 strength, and do not have points to spend or lose. The brain mole mind blast is more of a natural power than the standard psionic mind thrust. They cannot be psionically attacked as a psion, only escaped, slain “normally,” or 100+ point psionic blasted.2)

TODO: This is sourced from official modules but we need to list the exact source(s).
monsters.1694846964.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 (external edit)