Demon Idol

A gamist Advanced Dungeons & Dragons interpretation.

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Nets are weapons. They are often used by water-based races, and are often set with weights, hooks, and/or barbs.

There is no single ruleset for refereeing nets; there are several options provided by various monster entries and modules. Demon Idol uses the rules from WG4 (written by Gygax) as inspiration, and adapts them to better suit general-purpose net weapons.


  • If the attack hits, the target is netted. The target must roll a save vs breath;1) if they fail, they are also trapped.
  • Netted creatures lose any DEX bonus to AC (or take a -1 penalty if they have no DEX bonus), are at 50% MV, and cannot charge.
  • Trapped creatures are unable able to move, use weapons, or cast spells.
  • Both effects last for 1-4 rounds.
    • This duration is halved (round up) if the trapped creature has a bladed weapon handy of dagger length or shorter.
    • A creature can spend a round making an open doors roll. On a success, the duration is reduced by one round. This can be done multiple times.

Characters attempting to use an underwater net suffer a -4 to hit unless they've both (1) taken the net as a weapon proficiency, and (2) trained in its use while underwater.2) Above-water nets suffer the regular untrained penalty for lacking the weapon proficiency.

In written works, a DEX save is often used. However this requires DM fiat if used against the many monsters who lack DEX scores. Therefore, breath is more practical.
DMG 56.
net.1706068185.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 (external edit)