Demon Idol

A gamist Advanced Dungeons & Dragons interpretation.

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Discipline clarifications


Dragon mag 78 sage advice:

Q: Does the “Detection of Invisibility” table on p. 60 of the DMG apply to psionic invisibility? Can a character using the discipline of invisibility attack another creature and still remain invisible to that creature?

A: No on both counts. First, psionic invisibility involves mind control, not “light waves or similar physical manifestations”. (Players Handbook, p. 113), and hence cannot be detected by intelligent creatures the same way they might be able to sense someone who was rendered invisible by magical means. Someone employing the mind bar discipline is not subject to this mind control, however, and thus is able to “see through” the deception. Second, a character using psionic invisibility cannot attack at the same time because he must concentrate on the application of the discipline to maintain his invisible state. Unless otherwise specified in a particular description, no psionic attack mode or discipline can be employed while the user's mind is distracted or engaged in some other decision-making activity.
psionics.1694650009.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 (external edit)