Demon Idol

A gamist Advanced Dungeons & Dragons interpretation.

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Halflings receive a +3 bonus to-hit with slings and bows, as per the Monster Manual.1)


Elves can move, shoot, and move again, as per the MM. More on this in Combat.


Half-elves can wear items made for humans or elves, unless the item in question specifically lists half-elves as being in a different category. 2)

The PHB says, under the halfling section, to reference the MM for more halfling info. Furthermore, the Elf entry in the MM lists their +1 with bows and swords in the same spot as the sling and bow bonus is listed for halflings. Finally, halflings are already strength and level capped. This is a fine benefit to give them.
We could get into average heights and weights for each race and make charts and do math but that’s more complex than needed.
races.1694854012.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 (external edit)