Demon Idol

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Ring of Animal Friendship

  • UA 92
  • Magic ring

Animals affected by this ring will follow the wearer around in a docile manner – imagine Snow White. Normally, these animals will depart when there is danger, discomfort, or they are distracted by something.

If a charge is expended on an affected animal, it is “empowered” to the second level of the ring's power. In this state, the animal will fight to defend the wearer. It will not charge ahead, scout, or otherwise be used as a remote tool. It will fight alongside the wearer though, and will engage in melee or charge if the wearer does.

There is no special means of communication granted by the ring's bond, nor does the animal learn any tricks. The neither the animal nor the wearer get any ability to magically find one another. If the animal or person is lost, the DM will need to judge if one is able to find the other.

The wearer and animal do not need to stay within 1“ for the ring's power to continue, but un-empowered animals are likely to wander off and continue their life if they get separated. Empowered animals will try to find the wearer as best they can, but will eventually give up when they get hungry.

Use on horses

Expending a charge on a horse or warhorse does not modify its chance to panic, nor does it mean the horse fights on the first round of melee (see Mounted Combat). However, it does mean that the horse continues fighting even if the rider is not mounted, trumping the rule in the horse statblock. 1)

MM 53: “Warhorses fight on the second and succeeding rounds of melee, as long as their rider remains mounted.”
ring_animal_friendship.1694395087.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 (external edit)