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This page contains general rules for playing Demon Idol AD&D.
Remember, Demon Idol is largely an interpretation of AD&D, because there are many cases where the rules are not precise, or do not provide gameable mechanics. One of the main purposes of Demon Idol is to provide a smooth, coherent, battle-tested interpretation of AD&D. Therefore, we don't call out every single time we make an interpretation or that isn't explicitly spelled out in the books because it would be really messy. We also don't call out whenever we make a stylistic choice (for example, encouraging DMs to roll dice publicly).
However, in any case where Demon Idol adds an explicit extension to a rule (always in the spirit of the game), an Ex will appear. That way, as you play, you can easily delete or replace our extensions for your campaign, knowing that their removal will not break your game or the cohesiveness of the Demon Idol interpretation. Extensions are always marked with that Ex, and are likely to be improved over time if they are new.
Demon Idol acknowledges all copyrights, trademarks, and registered trademarks detailed on this page that do not belong to Demon Idol and makes no challenges to the ownership of said property rights.