Demon Idol

A gamist Advanced Dungeons & Dragons interpretation.

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This system was extrapolated from rules available in the core books and UA. We judge UA's system to be too finicky; the system on this page is used instead.

All spellbooks must be clearly detailed on the character sheet, including which spells are in which books. Spellbooks of any kind which are to be brought on an expedition must be declared by the player before departure.

Type Spells Cost Enc (cn) Notes
Standard Unlimited, of one level only Free, 1,000 gp for replacements or backups 300
Auxiliary 48 points of mixed level (see below) 1,000 gp 300
Travelling 20 points of mixed level (see below) 500 gp 150 Saves at -2

Standard spellbooks

Classes that keep spellbooks obtain and maintain one spellbook per level of spells available to them. The initial costs of these books and the maintenence thereof is included in upkeep and need not be tracked.

Auxiliary spellbooks

Auxiliary spellbooks contain 48 “points” worth of spells of mixed level, unlike standard spellbooks which can only contain spells of a single level.

1st-3rd level spells cost 2 points, 4th-6th level spells cost 3 points, and 7th-9th level spells cost 6 points. Are otherwise identical to standard spellbooks.

Travelling spellbooks

Travelling spellbooks are akin to auxiliary spellbooks, except they cost and weigh half as much, hold only 20 points of spells, and save at -2.

spellbooks.1694852845.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 (external edit)