Demon Idol

A gamist Advanced Dungeons & Dragons interpretation.

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Spiritual Hammer

The spell requires concentration; if concentration is broken then the spell ends. The spell does not require a weapon proficiency.1)

Material component

The hammer is consumed by the spell.2)

A magic hammer can be used, in which case the spiritual hammer receives its plusses.Ex At the end of the spell, the hammer saves vs disintegration (on the item saves table). If the hammer passes, it reappears in place of the spiritual hammer when the spell ends. Cursed war hammers can never be used for this spell. 3)

It is a “field of force” controlled by the mind, not an actual hammer.
We haven't seen anywhere that says it re-appears.
The spell says “normal war hammer,” so it would be fair to say “no magic war hammers”. However, this rules extension gives the player a meaningful, very risky choice. That's good for the game.
spiritual_hammer.1699421821.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 (external edit)