This is an old revision of the document!
This page provides a clear-cut combat procedure which will allow players to understand the state of the game and make meaningful decisions. If you haven't read it yet, check out Combat first.
This page is kept as brief as possible on explanatory content to keep it quick to use at the table. For more info, follow page links.
The following actions are referenced throughout this procedure. They are coded by letter as they appear on DMG 61. It's useful to gradually memorize which actions each letter matches up to because it will help you remember the order they are resolved in. If you're a DM, it will also give you a handy shorthand when noting down action declarations at the table.
The following are special cases for certain declarations made during surprise. The listed letter code corresponds to the letter code listed under the action list.
reaction_bonus >= surprise_segment
means the combatant is not targetable.If a combatant has declared that they are preparing an action (e.g. “I shoot anything that comes around the corner”), that action “becomes prepared” at the time it would normally resolve. Then, it's triggered when the case defined by the player's declaration occurs. That means if initiative is lost, the chance to prepare is typically lost, since the enemies have already taken their actions.
These are special considerations that will need to be remembered during the round. These should be noted if they are relevant to the round, and kept in mind:
reaction_mod + initative >= enemy_initiative
. On the flip side, it can also cause the combatant to shoot last even if their side won initiative if their reaction modifier is negative and reaction_mod + initiative < enemy_initiative
.Any time an attack, spell, or whatever goes off at the same time as another action, all actions fully resolve. All spells are cast, all attack dice are rolled.
During a round with tied initiative, actions are resolved in the order found in the action list at the top of this page, but with the following additional rules:
When one side is firing missiles or turning undead (D) and another side is casting a spell or using a device (D):
When charging (E) a combatant who declared missiles, spellcasting, device usage, or turning (D):
When attacking (G) a combatant who declared spellcasting or device usage (D): 18)
All of the attack routines being used on the target are resolved using the above rules.TODO: More detail
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