Demon Idol

A gamist Advanced Dungeons & Dragons interpretation.

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Magic Item Fabrication

:!: This page is a WIP, as we are currently migrating our rules on this topic from our old campaign doc and choosing which things should go here vs on our campaign-specific site.

Material components

Material components gathered from a monster are sufficient for the creation of a single magic item, regardless of the monster's size. For example, one green dragon kill equals one potion of green dragon control.

Protection scrolls

DMG 117 lists the division for DMG scrolls, but UA does not provide a list for the scrolls it adds. Here is one that divides the protection scrolls between the two classes according to which class has the closest spell in their list:

  • Clerical: Cold 1), devils, fire 2), paralyzation3), poison4), possession, traps 5), undead
  • Magic-user: Demons, elementals, illusions6), lycanthropes, magic, magic weapons7), petrification
  • Magic-user or druid: Plants8)
  • TODO: acid, breath dragon, breath non-dragon, electricity, gas, water, non-magic weapons
Because of resist cold.
Because of resist cold being reversable.
Because of remove paralysis.
Because of slow poison and neutralize poison.
Because of detect traps.
Because of detect illusion.
Because of anti-magic shell.
Several spells pertain to this.
magic_item_fabrication.txt · Last modified: 2024-07-07 01:41 by poems