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A spell available to druids and magic-users. Note that the intent of the spell is to make a playable character.1)
The precise mechanics of reincarnation in the milieu are left up to the DM.
The following system is recommended:Ex
Scores should be rolled randomly with whatever method (I-IV) player desires. Modifiers and mins/maxes should be customized by the DM to suit the form. The DM should come up with these for the form, preferably with the agreement of the first player to reincarnate as that form.
As an example, here are modifiers and min/max for a centaur form:
Monster | STR | INT | WIS | CON | DEX | CHA |
Centaur | +2 (10/19) | -1 (17/3) | +0 (18/3) | +1 (13/19) | -1 (3/17) | -1 (3/16) |
Charisma penalties are removed when dealing with their own race (just like dwarves and half-orcs).
These also need to be determined by the DM. Consider the monster, its relation to the setting, and what makes most sense. It can be good to give every monster at least one class in which they are unlimited in advancement. However, in the end, level caps depend on the setting, the game, whether UA caps are being used6), and what kind of game the DM prefers.
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