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Character upkeep1) is due every month, starting 1 month after the character is used/played the first time. The cost cannot be paid early, since it must be based on character level. Make sure to have gold ready on the due date!
A character who fails to pay upkeep cannot gain XP until payments resume.2) A loan can be taken to pay for upkeep.
Multi-class and dual-class characters pay upkeep as per their highest class level.
See Infection Checks.
See loans, moneychangers, and selling treasure.
A character who has not taken any game action for one month will not accumulate any additional upkeep or infection checks past the first month. If any action is taken during a month, full upkeep is owed. This includes travel, interaction with NPC contacts, casting spells, and anything else that is prohibited during bedrest. Loans, domain costs, and hireling/henchmen costs do not pause.Ex3)
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